FinReg Focus is a podcast series that helps you anticipate regulatory changes affecting the financial industry. Hosted by Reed Smith lawyers, this series provides insights into industry trends, including new challenges and requirements. Highlighted topics include cybersecurity, fintech, market regulation, and much more.
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
The FCA's increased use of Skilled Persons in 2020
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
2020 saw the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority increase its use of Skilled Persons in regulatory inquiries. In this podcast episode, Reed Smith partners Tim Dolan and Doug Cherry with associate Hannah Sheikh share insights on the rise in Skilled Persons reports and key themes those reports focus on, as well as how Skilled Person firms are chosen, and how long the reports can take. They will provide pointers on how firms should work with the Skilled Person and the FCA to attain best results, and give insights into some good (and bad) experiences with Skilled Persons reports.
For more information, please visit Reed Smith's Financial Regulatory page.